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Specialist CNC lathe repair

CNC Lathe Repair

CNC machines have transformed many times over the years. However, the need for precise and productive CNC lathes has remained the same. Machine Tool Technologies supplies you with a full range of heavy duty, custom-designed lathe rebuilds and repairs for all types of lathes including large heavy-duty machines.


We are the leading choice for CNC lathe repair and maintenance services for top manufacturers. We can rebuild manual lathes currently in use and, in some cases it is possible to convert them to a CNC controlled, automated system. We can also tailor our repairs and conversions to your exact specifications.


CNC lathe: New generation lathes are highly complex hybrid systems and often come with multiple spindles, fully programmable tailstocks, and servomotors on all axes. These require regular maintenance and scheduled servicing. Like most equipment, they will require repair and retrofit or rebuild at some point in their lifetime.


Manual Lathe Rebuild: Machine Tool Technologies’ technicians can rebuild all running surfaces from tailstock and turrets and optimise the machines geometry to the original specification on better. We help optimise the machine’s ability to produce precise and accurate parts.


Vertical Turning Lathe Rebuild: Vertical lathes are ideal for the turning of large, heavy parts. Our highly skilled team at MTT can help upgrade your CNC vertical turning lathe or VTL capacities and improve its lifespan.


CNC Lathe Repair and Precision Rebuild Services

Each MTT client has a unique CNC lathe repair requirement. We offer performance upgrades and repurposing, so they can continue to serve you in the future. This service is aimed at clients looking for efficacy, value for their money, and diversification in their production capability.


CNC lathe repair and precision retrofit will revamp your CNC machine into a blend of precision parts and new innovative technology resulting in flawless production. 


Services included include:


  • On-demand CNC lathe repair and servicing
  • Scheduled/ interval Lathe repair
  • Renewing damaged lathes to operational specifications
  • Lathe slideway repairs
  • Modification of materials and production specifications
  • Emergency engineer/technician response, both on-site and off-site
  • Remote/telephone troubleshooting
  • CNC machine lathe retrofitting, refurbishment, and reengineering

CNC lathe Repair Process

CNC lathe repair procedures may vary depending on the processes to be undertaken according to customer needs. Whether it is a standard repair or a unique conversion, general repair processes include deep cleaning the lathe. 


This is followed by dismantling after which MTT experts analyse and assess the extent of damages or wear and tear. MTT will then engineer the required repairs, conversion or rebuilding. The final processes are reassembly and thorough precision testing.


Contact Us for All Your CNC Lathe Repair Needs

At Machine Tool Technologies, we employ industry leading machine tool specialists who have extensive experience with different lathe configurations from a wide variety of manufacturers. Our highly skilled team of engineers and technicians have successfully undertaken countless conversions, adapting CNC lathes for optimum performance.

We deliver fast services with guaranteed results to reduce your downtime. Contact us to get the latest information on CNC lathe repair techniques and advice on which methods suit your manufacturing practices.

To speak to a member of our team simply contact us via our form and we will be in touch right away.

“MTT Successfully repaired several spindles within a short period time ensuring our

machines were back to full productivity in no time.”

UK Aviation Client

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